When you are working at an NGO (Non Governmental Organisation) , small organisation or you just started your own business, it is important that you engage your administration to achieve your goals. These kinds of organisations often gain their work from their relations, their contacts. Unfortunately most NGO’s, starters and small organistations do not have the money to buy a customized CMS (Content Management System). In this blog I will try to provide you with some information about two different options to manage your contacts en the links between your contacts in free CMSystems.
Drupal is a free software package that allows the user to easily publish, manage and organize different content in a system. The only condition for using it is that you have to connect it to a website. Once your account is installed you can start adding all kinds of modules to the framework of the system. By entering the Admin Toolbar in the system or the Drupal Web site , it is possible to download a complete contact management system.
One module that is especially designed for Non-Profits and NGO’s is a must have! It is called CiviCRM and provides you the tools to connect, communicate, label and activate your contacts. This module can be intergraded in the framework of Drupal, together with other modules.
Other modules that can be useful are the Evaluation/Rating modules which enable you to display short quizzes or polls on your website. The Content Display modules provide you useful templates that display your meetings (the Calendar) and an overview of your website (Site Map).
Drupal is a software packet that is really handy for small organisations with a big network. When you have decided to build the system pay attention to the fact that at the end of the install process, the person who performed the installation is directly logged in to the site with administrators account. This account is automatically given all the privileges for managing content and administering the site.
Another free CMS is Joomla which enables the user to manage contacts, it also helps you to build Web sites and online applications. Joolma is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone and works the same as Drupal. Many modules can be downloaded and integrated in the frame of the system. The contact content management module of Joomla is called Content Manager and is accessible from out the system as well as on the website.
Other interesting Free CMSystems:
Wordpress http://www.wordpress.org/ - state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability.
Silverstripe http://www.silverstripe.org/ - Sapphire is oan open source framework that helps you build powerful websites.
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